Quicktime VRs
As a Lighting Designer, I often times use QT VR’s as a quick communication tool for directors, design team and technical staff to communicate the larger ideas about a space, particularly if I have not worked in that space before or if the space is not traditional a theatrical venue.
Once images load, select image by clicking on it and holding down your mouse and moving around to use interactive VR. To zoom in, click in the screen & hold ‘shift’ to zoom out, click in the screen & hold ‘ctrl’.
QT_WriteOBJECT('https://lradesigns.com/images/renderings/QT_VRs/QTVR1.mov' , '552', '312', '', 'WMODE', 'Transparent') ;
Model for created space in Lost Hills, CA for Cornerstone’s Production of Waking Up In Lost Hills